

本年度教師研討會于星期日假Berryessa Youth Center 舉行,上午由顧問李教授講解〝多元智能的介紹與涵意〞和灣區幼教專家陳博士講授〝如何教育e世代學生〞,她們帶給珠心算老師一個非常實際和豐富的課程。下午有謝秀枝,安秋玲,鄭瑩如,劉梅梅及鄺家齊等老師的專題教學經驗分享,接著由分會副會長樓老師主持的〝教案探討和研討會有獎徵答〞,在輕鬆熱烈氣氛之下圓滿結束。




感謝 謝秀枝老師擔任本屆研討會手冊整編及當天各個主題放映銜接工作。


特別感謝 博愛中文學校出借辦公室,前任校長朱長江校長、盛良平校長在會場幫忙軟體硬體的工作,現任校長李炳輝也特別趕來幫忙致意。





Annual Teacher’s Workshop


The CAAA 2006 Annual Teacher’s Workshop was held on Sunday, October 29 at the Berryessa Youth Center in San Jose.  In the morning seminar session, CAAA advisor

Dr. Maggie Lee gave a speech “ Multiple Intelligences-Introduction and Implication”, and Dr. Chen, renowned  scholar in the Bay Area, spoke about “Educating the E-generation”.  The presentations were full of helpful information and our teachers had a wonderful learning experience. In the afternoon, teachers Shiow-Jy Hseih, Carolyn An, Ying-Ju Julie Cheng, Ellesse Liu, George Kwong shared their teaching experiences. CAAA, North. California Vice President Jenny Lin Closed this whole day event with a cheerful and fun Q&A session.


Our thanks to Dr. Lee and Dr. Chen for their seminars.

Our thanks to CAAA advisor Patrick Huang for his full-day attendance in the workshop.

Our thanks to teacher Shiow-Jy Hseih for editing the workshop handbook and coordinating the event.

Our thanks to all the teachers and volunteers that helped in the preparation and  participated in the Workshop.

A heartfelt thank-you to Berryessa Chinese School, Principals Simon Chu, Liang-Ping Shen and Ben Li for their huge support in various areas.


Please refer to the attached Workshop agenda and photos. Workshop handbooks will be mailed to teachers who were absent.